Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Monday, January 26, 2009

mixx it up.

Hey all!

So school is back in full gear. I'm nervous about this week, it's my first ochem test. Ick. We'll see how it goes. But I'm not optomistic about it.

I've been into making different mixes cause one of my "New Years resolutions" was to listen to music that I've never heard on my iPod. Cause you know how you get in a rut and listen to the same things and get tired of them? Yeah. I decided it was time to change that. Doing pretty good so far. I even started making a mix for my 21st-pretty much all the upbeat songs I love all together. I'm only through E on artists so I got a while to go, but I already have 102 songs on that playlist...yeah its gonna have to be cut down.

Been having Lost marathons with Ian and Carolee. It was crazy cause at one point we were watching the new season and season one, so we were in like three different times cause of the flashbacks and flashforwards and yeah...crazyness!

Anyways...don't know when I'll update again but until then adios!

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Happy 2009!

It's hard to imagine that its 2009. Like every other new year. I could do this whole reflection back thing but I'm feeling it's cliche. But I will say it was pretty good. One thing I have thought about is that it is almost three years since graduation and I'm still in touch with all my good friends from high school. I love that.

New years resolutions? Psssh. I gave up on those years ago. I know that none of them will actually happen. We all fall back into our habits (very optimistic aren't I?).

I think it's harder for me to accept break is finally over and school starts again. I wish I had seen more people but hey, stuff happens and schedules don't always line up. I'll get back into the groove but it's just hard to say goodbye to all my friends again. Honestly, June will be here before I know it. I remembered thankfully early last week that I actually need books and I am not making purchases at the bookstore unless necessary because I can always find better deals online- and they need time to get here! I always get nervous because one time I actually ordered the wrong book. So I'm a little paranoid now that I'll get the wrong book and have to return it and blah blah...

So I may be a little slow on the movies thing but I finally watched V for Vendetta last night. I loved it. The weird thing is, if I had watched that movie when it came out a couple years ago I don't think I'd have liked it. For some reason I didn't find it as dark and depressing as other movies like this one.

The best thing might be that classes start at 11:30 tommorow for me- a first in a loooong time! Yay! Good luck with school guys!

Saturday, November 15, 2008


For the first time in a long time, I may be getting sick. It sucks. My throat kinda hurts. I hope I actually don't get sick though. Now it's actually getting to be like real Seattle fall. Still sunny sometimes at least.

But I've signed up for next quarter's classes. Its messy looking. Lots of chem stuff. Not cool! But gotta be done.

I saw Quantum of Solace last night, sweet movie. Actually at Lincoln Square, in Bellevue with those nice leather seats I kept hearing about. It was nice, my butt actually didn't hurt after sitting in them forever.

I'm trying to cook more, since it would probably help out in the house. Made some tortellini with garlic cream sauce. Not too bad. Kinda rich though.

At work today I got peeved cause I heard x-mas music. I mean, already?! It's a couple weeks before Thanksgiving. Sometimes I can't believe this society...ug.

On to bio studying-later!

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Tout Doucement

Hey hey hey all.

Last week was a bust. I barely got any studying done what with my ADD. But I got cracking today which was good. Attended a Pre-Health Expo and saw a panel of UW med students. I feel much better now that I have decided to take a year off after graduation to get my stuff together and do whatever I want while I'm young before I spend the next seven years of my life furthuring my career. But I've gotten really excited about my decision and I'm trying my best to bring up my GPA, which is my main focus right now. And finding a doctor to shadow. What else is going on...

Huh. Well not much. I forgot I have Tuesday off. But I'll be working and babysitting, making money which is always good right?

Well, I got a new snowboard which is tight cause man are they expensive brand new. It's not like the best ever but it was cheap and its in better condition than the one I had. I really hope I can get a couple buddies and go up with just friends this year to Stevens. That'd be tight.

Hope everyone is enjoying their travels around the world. I'm waiting for you guys to come home!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Fuzzy Hat

The title of this stems from the warm knit hat I'm wearing. I bought it quite some time ago and am finally wearing it.

So what have I been up to? Well..school is the main thing. I have an O-chem midterm on Halloween. Kinda anti-climatic but then I'm not even going to do anything. Everyone says I should go out, but I kinda don't have anything to do...I will probably study, how lame am I! But I am trying to really do well in school, like uber good. Cause man it ain't easy.

I have gone for two 15 minute runs this week! It's amazing. Except my calves hurt so bad cause I'm so outta shape. And now I have proper workout wear so I have no excuse. The hoodie I got is sooo nice, it keeps me warm and it's reversible! Although it was rather expensive...but I figure it's an investment since I'll wear it a ton anyways.

In other exciting news (hah) I made cupcakes with peanut butter frosting. They were bomb.com.. I really want to cook more, I actually like it but never know anything cool to make. Hopefully I can cook like my mom someday and just make amazing things like she does by just "throwing this in, and throwing that in..".

Alright..gonna go study so I can watch the Office! I heart Jim. :)

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Wonderful Elektrik

I think I am back into the swing of school. It feels better than it did. I can't complain too much when I'm done at 12:30 two days, out at 9:30 (yes, AM) on Friday and only have to stay late twice. And having had some late classes, 4:50 isn't bad. Considering we get out at 4:30 a lot. Ahh..I keep trying to sit up straight. My back hurts a little. Gotta do some more Wii exercises I guess! haha..

Already there's a bio exam next Monday. On like 2 weeks of material.

Bio lab was cool, I didn't get too grossed out. Maybe cause there was no formaldehyde smell. I helped take the skin off a frog leg. Sorry if that's TMI. Next week is pig heart dissection, which is really close to a human heart. Lots of cutting up!

Alright, I'm going to go learn about circulatory stuff..I finally understand what the heck a blood pressure exactly is. I know, sad.

Please, check this website out. It is SO FUNNY!! yearbookyourself.com
Me, circa 1968.